MedUni Campus Mariannengasse

Project data




48.2165, 16.3505

MedCampus 2022

Studying and Researching on an Urban Campus

MedUni Vienna plans to centralise and bundle its resources in compact, new buildings, teaching and institute units and research clusters. The MedCampus Mariannengasse is a further component of this successful concept.

The campus (lat. "the field") is a two-dimensional extension which connects all the different facilities of a university via an open network of paths.

In the 21st century, the MCM will do justice to this spatial task. By means of a compact vertical arrangement of flexible-use spatial structures and differentiated vertical open spaces: the vertical campus.

In the city, a building is created which, through the structured networking of all functions, functions like a student "city" with all the interior and exterior qualities that make up a lively centre.

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